An easier way to keep track of your pensions

If you've had more than one job during your working life, you might have more than one pension plan. Transferring your older pensions into a buy out bond makes it easier to keep track of your savings for your Second Life. 


Buy out bonds: an overview

What is a buy out bond?

A buy out bond gives you a new place to keep old workplace pension plans. Essentially, rather than trying to keep track of an old workplace policy or policies, you transfer them into an individual policy that's easier to monitor. Like all investments, the value of the bond can go down as well as up. 


Who can have a buy out bond?

You can take out a buy out bond if you have:

  • €5,000 or more in a pension from a previous employer's pension scheme
  • €5,000 or more in a pension from your current employer's scheme that is being wound up
  • €5,000 or more in a UK pension and you're now living in Ireland

Why choose a Synergy Buy Out Bond?

There are a few reasons to choose a Synergy Buy Out Bond, but please do remember to speak to a financial adviser before you make any final decisions. If you make the decision to transfer, you'll have control over how and where your money is invested, with a wide range of investment options. You'll be able to access your retirement fund from the age of 50.


Investment options with Standard Life

You have a range of investment options to choose from with Standard Life, so you can be adventurous or cautious or anything in between. You'll find more information about those choices on our investment options page.

Each option carries a different level of risk, so it's important that you understand how they could impact your financial goals by speaking to a financial adviser.

If you're not sure how you feel about risk, our Risk Profiler will give you a starting point – but we'd always recommend speaking with a financial adviser too.


Getting started in investment

Investment is usually a medium or long-term commitment, so deciding on the right products is important. As always, we'd recommend speaking with a financial adviser first. We can't offer you financial advice or make recommendations about which investment might be right for you. 

If you're comfortable taking charge of your own investment decisions, please call us on 01 639 7070 and we'll be happy to:

  • Help you buy a product
  • Give you more information
  • Provide investment illustrations and information pack
  • Answer any technical questions
  • Carry out your instructions


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Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up

Warning: This investment may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates

Warning: You may lose some or all of the money you invest

Warning: If you invest in these products you will not have any access to your money until you retire