Introducing the Synergy ARF
What is an Approved Retirement Fund?
An ARF is a retirement income product that could help your pension savings continue to grow. After taking your cash lump sum (some or all of which may be tax-free), you invest some or all of your remaining savings in an ARF. You can then make withdrawals as needed. The balance of your money stays in the fund, giving it a chance to grow.
Who can have an approved retirement fund?
The Standard Life Synergy ARF could be an option for you if you have:
- A personal pension policy
- A personal retirement savings account
- Additional voluntary contributions
- Another ARF
- A defined contribution occupational pension scheme
- A buy out bond
Should you choose the Synergy ARF?
An ARF isn't the right choice for everyone. Speak to a financial adviser before you make a decision – they'll help you understand all the pros and cons.
If you decide an ARF is the way you want to go, you'll need to review it regularly to make sure it continues to give you the income you need throughout your retirement.
Once established, our ARF gives you the flexibility to withdraw your money as you need to, and the ability to make your own investment decisions. Any money left in the fund after you die will be added to your estate.
Synergy ARF investment options
You have a range of investment options to choose from with Standard Life, so you can be adventurous or cautious or anything in between. You'll find more information about those choices on our investment options page.
Each option carries a different level of risk, so it's important that you understand how they could impact your financial goals by speaking to a financial adviser.
If you're not sure how you feel about risk, our Risk Profiler will give you a starting point – but we'd always recommend speaking with a financial adviser too.
Finding out more
We always recommend speaking to a financial adviser before you make any financial decisions. They'll be able to help you understand all the pros and cons of the products you're considering, so a consultation is one of the best investments you can make. If you don't already have an adviser, you can find one through Brokers Ireland.
You'll also need to read through the key features document and the Investment Options Guide for more information before applying for a Synergy ARF.
Looking for more information?
Ready to apply for an ARF?
If you've spoken with your financial adviser, read the necessary documents and decided an ARF is the right choice for you, get started by downloading the application form.
Understanding income in retirement
We want to make sure you understand all your options for retirement income. Find out more about annuities, ARFs and how your income might be taxed.
Accessing your account online
My Standard Life lets you access online information about your policies and accounts. It's a simple, convenient way to track how your policies are performing.
Document Downloads
Your Second Life Guide
Synergy ARF key features
Investment Options Guide