New enhancements to our online applications

We have just launched a number of new features to our online PRSA application journeys following feedback from advisers. You can find out more about these in our latest news article.

Why use online applications?

Improved efficiency, accuracy, faster turnaround time and fewer follow ups - there are many benefits to advisers when choosing to submit business online. Here are a few ways it will improve you and your client's new business journey. 

  • Efficient processing eliminates manual paperwork or editing pdfs
  • Streamlined workflow thanks to direct integration with DocuSign provides secure and authenticated online signatures
  • Save and resume so no need to complete the application in one go, applications will remain accessible to resume for 30 days after each edit
  • Option to pass to business writer for final signature after admin team completes the application with client
  • Nothing is missed with prompts to include relevant attachments and information
  • Sustainable - going paperless means less waste, aligning with green and sustainable practices

A simple journey to complete business efficiently

 1. Adviser or admin team fills out application

System logic and prompts ensure complete and accurate form is shared for client to sign

    2. One click sharing with clients

Client (and employer) receives DocuSign email to click to sign. Secure and authenticated client signature ensured

3. Confirmation it was signed, business writer signs and submits

Adviser prompted to sign and submit to dedicated servicing team in Standard Life for quick processing.

4. Dedicated servicing team processes the application

Dedicated servicing team follows up where needed by email or phone to quickly complete the product set up


Useful links

The information on is designed for financial advisers. It's not suitable for anyone else. If you're not a financial adviser, please go to for information about the products and services we offer.